
Follow my journey toward publication. Laugh, cry, point and stare-- it's all good. I'll leave a trail so that you, my fellow author, may have a straighter path to finding your own elusive publishing contract. Adventure awaits. Let's travel together...

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fiction Friday: Does Fiction Fuel Discontent?

Awhile back, I came across an interesting idea that I personally had never encountered. The idea that reading fiction--romance in particular--can be damaging to one's spousal relationship, or I suppose, one's general psyche, because it glamorizes an unobtainable ideal.

It took me aback. How else are we to experience the sigh-worthy experiences that we'll never run into while shopping at Target or driving the minivan? Where else are we to find that warm, satisfying inspiration that makes us love everyone around us just a little more than before? How can we know anything beyond our limited existance if we don't step into other shoes through fiction? And aren't we repeatedly told to foster a love for reading into our kids from the time they are conceived?

Yet, it gave me pause. How often has a wife read a book featuring a hero with impossibly good looks, muscles upon muscles, fierce protective instincts that have him always arriving in the nick of time to save the heroine from the kidnapper holding a gun or the spider crawling along the floor, yet tender enough to shed a tear as he expresses the depth of his love . . . and then closed the book, looked at her real-life husband and thought "if only"?

I can see a point here. It could set up a standard that is just as impossible to reach for real-life men as the airbrushed photos of surgically-enhanced women are for us to match. Is there an in-between, a personal balance?

I have some thoughts on this, but I'd like to hear yours. What do you think?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Whatevah Wednesday: Family Vacations

I didn't take this picture, but I'll post some soon.

As you read this, I am at Sea World San Diego. With a family of six, we've never had the typical vacation involving 7-day stays somewhere out-of-state, plane rides, etc. (My kids have never been on a plane.) Last year, we visited the Grand Canyon. This year, we decided to drive the 85 miles to San Diego. Yesterday we visited the Zoo, then we stayed in a hotel (two rooms were necessary) for one night, and today culminates with watery fun before we go home tonight. What always floors me is how expensive everything is. Even our overnight excursion is sure to cost us close to $1,000 and could easily surpass that figure if we did suvenires (sorry kids). Here's the breakdown: 
  • $180- entrance for all of us to zoo (with no discounts, free parking)
  • $250- entrance to Sea World after discount coupon ($20 off per ticket)
  • $12 - Sea World parking
  • $75- hotel (after using hotel points. Two rooms would have been a lot more)
  • $75- gasoline
  • $300- food (The way I figure it, with six people and high temps, we'll have several drink purchases both days in addition to meals. And treats. Maybe this is a little high but I'd rather be prepared.)  
This is already almost $900, and we'll probably get some sort of souvenir for each kid, even if it's just a keychain. And since my son missed his school registration day, we'll be paying higher rates for his yearbook and ASB card. Oh, and my husband needed a new pair of walking shoes before tackling this adventure. He stopped at Payless the night before we left but I'm counting it as a vaca expense.

It's hard to believe how quick the money goes. I dream of taking the family to Hawaii, but it might take a winning lottery ticket to get us there. Still, we have fun on these little trips. And hopefully they appreciate the time together and learn not to take life's pleasures for granted. One of my most cherished memories is from three years ago when we went to Sea World and were able to get in the water with a dolphin. It was amazing, but not cheap! Those kinds of things are few and far between for us but that's what makes them special.
Amy, Kaitlyn, me, Brandon, Mike 2008

What about you? What family trips are your favorite, or what great deals have you found for stretching those vacation dollars?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pass The Tissues, Please...

This week COTT is focusing on gut-wrenching passages, which are some of my favorites! So it got me wondering, why do we so enjoy reading those scenes that tear our hearts out and end with an empty box of tissues? 

Most of us already know about stress hormones and how they build up in the body, causing all kinds of problems. According to one article I read, emotionally-induced tears contain protein-based hormones as well as leucine enkephalin, a natural painkiller. So "a good cry" flushes all those stress hormones out of our system.

Well, the science is all fine and dandy but I still wanted some experiental answers. Here's what some of you had to say:

Diana Prusik: Tears are cathartic. There's nothing like a good cry during a touching scene . . except for a good cry followed by laughter. (Think Sally Fields' stellar graveside scene in Steel Magnolias. Poor Ouiser!) Something about reading or watching a scene like that feels emotionally cleansing.

Brian Heffron agrees: Catharsis

Barbara Robinson: Because a book has to touch us emotionally or it's nothing to us. It must evoke reader emotions. If I don't feel anything when I read a book, the book is not any good, and I wouldn't finish it.

Christine Lindsay: I think we need to cry as much as we need to smile and laugh. Although when we cry, it's because we are always reaching out for hope. That this sad situation will not remain, but that the sun will shine again. It's about hope.

Jessica Patch: God designed us to connect with others. The bible says rejoice when others rejoice and weep when others weep. We're built to care. We want to. Real life or fiction, we're drawn to it and good writing makes us feel like it's real even when it's not.

Those are some great answers! What about you? Why do you love those gut-wrenching scenes? (Or if not, why don't you care for them?)

Monday, July 25, 2011

My School Monday: Reading List

Last year we did very little reading, I must confess. I forced Kait to struggle through Swiss Family Robinson even though she hated it, and she also read Homer for history. But it was awful, and when we finally got through those I gave up and focused on other areas.

So we'll have some catching up to do, and I've been compiling a list of books I'd like her to read this year. I tried to remember what I read back in Jr High, and I want to give her a variety because she hates books from "the olden days" (i.e. anything earlier than the 1950's.) I doubt we'll get through all the books on my list (which will probably continue to grow) but I have thought of some great books I'd like to have on hand. Here they are, in no particular order:
  • Where the Red Fern Grows
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Pride and Prejudice
  • Little Women
  • Adventures of Huck Finn
  • Diary of Anne Frank
  • Black Beauty
  • The Chronicles of Narnia
  • Pilgrims Progress
The red ones are those I hope will actually awaken a fondness for reading. In addition to the above narratives, I also want to have her read How To Win Friends And Influence People. By the title, that sounds like such a manipulative book. But anyone who has read it knows it's really a peek into the human heart and mind, and helps us understand how to relate to people and how to express our needs effectively. It's a fascinating book that I believe should be required reading in every school across the nation.

What do you think of my list? Would you add a book? Scratch one? What have your kids read in Jr High?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Fiction Friday: Just One Author

If you could only read one author for the rest of your life, who would it be? This question was put to me recently and I was surprised by my own answer. See, I love Francine Rivers and consider her my favorite author. But if I only had one author to read for the rest of my days, I wouldn't pick her. I chose C.S. Lewis. Why? Well, just look at my proposed bookshelf:
  • Mere Christianity
  • The Problem of Pain
  • The Case for Christianity
  • Screwtape Letters
  • Chronicles of Narnia
  • Space Trilogy

Fiction to suit an array of moods, theological studies, apologetics, spiritual encouragement... for just one author, this collection would provide the most well-rounded reading I could think of! And what an awesome collection of quotes he left us as well.

What about you? Who would you read?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Whatevah Wednesday: Homeschool Planning!

First, a disclaimer: If your kids are in public school, don't let the above cartoon offend you. Two of my kids are still in public school, too. But even so, I agree with the statement above! LOL

Next month begins my second year as a homeschooling mom. My family is spread out all over the place actually. I've got a Junior in public high school, a 6th grader in public elementary, an 8th grader at home, and a 2 year old who is learning and growing all the time. It's challenging--to say the least--teaching one child, while driving the other kids to and from school, and entertaining a toddler. But it's also a blessing.

Since Kait might be going to public high school, this may be our last year together, so I want to make sure we do all the things I dreamed of doing when we started our adventure. In addition to the three R's, I want her to be well-prepared for the world spiritually speaking.This means more discipline, less breaks, and a tighter schedule. And it means picking curriculum! Fun! (but arduous.)

After hours (and I mean HOURS) of research. . .

. . .I'm still not done with my list. :-)  

But, here's what I've picked so far:

* Typing: Mavis Beacon (covered by state funds)
* Math U See Geometry (covered by state funds)
* Apologia Physical Science (FREE from a friend!)
* gym: Wii Fit or similar (haven't confirmed coverage yet, crossing fingers!)
* A Beka History of the World ($10 on Craigslist)
(I also want to get several TruthQuest guides and merge those with A Beka)

Life Skills reading:

* How To Win Friends And Influence People (already own)
*Thinking Like A Christian (about $15 on Amazon for book and journal)

I still need to choose a Bible curriculum and Language Arts but those decisions will likely come quickly. History was the toughest--the one that took the hours of research and review to settle on. That and math are the toughest choices to make. We have a lot of history to cover this year, and a lot of extras I want to squeeze in, so next on my list is come up with some sort of schedule--though it will likely get tweaked many times.

For those of you who homeschool, have you picked out your curriculum? Are you excited? If you don't homeschool, what are you looking forward to the most about sending the kids back to school?

Last, let me leave you with a little humor to carry into the rest of your Wednesday!

Monday, July 18, 2011

More From Ellie- The Stones

This week, COTT's Book Club is taking a further look at The Stones by Eleanor (Ellie) Gustafson!

Much of it is narrative, but when Ellie pens dialog, she does it with expertise. The things her characters say either crack me up or sober me with their depth of wisdom. Ellie is indeed a master at crafting compelling dialog.

The event that stood out to me the most during the second quarter of the book was David’s move from Hebron to Jebus (which he renamed Jerusalem). I’m not sure if I just glanced over it every time I’ve read it in Scripture or if there just isn’t much there, but it was practically new information for me.

Ellie wrote a nail-biting account of the take-over of the city from the Jebusites. I never thought about who occupied Jerusalem before David or for how long. For those who haven’t read the book, the Jebusites had control of the city for hundreds of years before David decided he wanted it for his capitol. But that’s all I’m saying! You’ll have to buy the book if you want to find out exactly how David entered the highly-defended and, up to this point, unconquerable fortress.

Before the battle David addressed the troops. This is what he said:
“Look up, all of you, to the hill above Jebus. Mt. Moriah, Abraham brought his son Isaac from Beersheba to this place to sacrifice him in obedience to God’s command. He stood right where you’re standing now. He looked up in dread, yet set food to the mountain, confident that God—somehow, in some way—would provide. And he did. As Abraham raised his knife, the angel of the Lord stayed his hand. So shaken he could hardly stand, Abraham looked around, and there in the thicket, caught by its horns, was the sacrifice God provided in place of Isaac.

“Abraham called the mountain, ‘The Lord will provide,’” David continued, “and we’ll hold to that word today. We’ll climb Mt. Moriah, and there Yaweh will provide. Here, in the name of the Lord, we claim that miserable shelf called Zion. It shall be cleansed of Jebusites and be forever known as Jerusalem, Mt. Zion, the Holy City of God.”

That passage deeply impacted me. Having grown up on the Thoene’s work, I’ve always been fascinated with Jerusalem, but Ellie took me back to the beginning and drew a thread through the centuries, through David and to Christ. Although you didn’t mention it, the reader easily draws the thread the rest of the way through to present-day and the ongoing struggle for God’s Holy City.

Our God is an awesome God! History is already written and he sees the big picture with perfect clarity. We can only hope to catch a glimpse.

Head over to COTT's Bookclub Blog, or join us on Facebook, to hear what the author has to say!

Have any of you visited Israel? If so, share your favorite part of the experience. If not, tell us the first place you’d want to see if you were told you’d be flying there tomorrow.

I hope you'll join us over at our Book Club headquarters for more conversations on this wonderful book And if you'd like to read along with us next month, make sure you pick up your copy of COTT champ, Delia Latham's, Destiny's Dream. We'll be discussing this fun romance in August!

~April Gardner is the Senior Editor of COTT and author of Wounded Spirits.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fiction Friday!

Okay, this is not the norm but last week's Story Improv was looking good but I had some problems with the blog that slowed things down. So I want to see how this one is going to go this weekend! Have at it:

"Don't lose him!"

"Which way did he go?"

"There!" Lauren changed lanes, threading through traffic in the direction of Mary's finger.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

COTT Summer Book Club

-guest post by COTT Senior Editor, April W Gardner

Since we’re in the middle of Clash of the Title’s two week summer break, we thought we’d introduce you to the book club COTT has recently begun. All this month we’re delving into The Stones written by COTT champ, Eleanor (Ellie) Gustafson.

The Stones is a historical/biblical novel based on the life of Kind David. Most of us know how the story ends (wink), but Ellie presents the details in such a fresh and unique way that I find it’s almost as if I’ve never read the story before. It’s hefty reading, but I’m really enjoying it. Ellie’s prose is lovely and almost poetic. It’s enchanting. And the historical detail simply fascinates me. Actually, I’m quite in awe of all the research she’d done.

My favorite so far in the book is Abigail, David’s third wife. She was always one of my favorite female Bible characters. I think it’s rather romantic that saving her retched husband’s life earned her the (future) king’s love. Her dead husband was barely cold in the ground before David took her to wife. Talk about making an impression!

Quite the colorful character in The Stones, she’s strong-willed (which wasn’t a gift in those days) and usually the cause for tension. But it’s generally because she’s fighting for what she believes God requires of them. David’s standing before God and the people is more important to her than her staying in his good graces, which she doesn’t lose for long anyway. David loves her too much.

Care for a tiny peek into her personality? Here she is chiding David for bringing booty home from the Amalekites he’s just raided and killed.

She says, “Did you consult Abiathar and the Urim and thummin to find out if you’re the man to do it? It seems to me you’re tearing off this ‘vengeance’ thing, when it’s the Lord’s business to—”
 “Enough, woman! You have a find hand on my faults and don’t hesitate to say so.” (great line, by the way) The flare died quickly, and David sighed as he wrung a cloth and wiped his dusty face. “Abigail, Abigail, you don’t understand. We have our reasons. We—”
 “You mean Joab has his reasons. This was his idea, wasn’t it?”
 “Yes, and it’s a good idea.” His voice grew irritable again. “We must get Achish to trust us. Once he thinks we’ve made ourselves odious to the Israelites… And besides, I thought you’d like clothes and jewelry.”
 “They’re soaked in blood. I’d never wear them” (Wow. A scene with this feisty gal is always interesting!)

Historical/biblical fiction is my all time favorite genre, but I can’t help but wonder the entire time that I’m reading--Which parts are real and which are made up? In a book club setting, I get to ask the author questions as I’m reading. How fun is that?!

If you’ve ever had a question about the life of David, Ellie’s your gal. She will be available all month long at the Clash of the Titles Book Club to chat with her readers and anyone who would like to meet another of our amazing COTT Champs!

Clash of the Titles, is on the search for a new staff member! If you are a writer who’s looking to gain exposure, connect with other authors, add bullets to you professional bio, and have a blast doing it, we would love to chat with you to see if we are a good fit. Please contact us for more details: contactcott(at)gmail(dot)com.

--April W Gardner is the award-winning author of  Wounded Spirits.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Social Media Monday: Meet Gail Pollatta

Welcome to Social Media Monday. Today I get to introduce you to my friend Gail Pallotta. Gail, Tell us about you!

I’m a Mom, a wife and article-writer turned novelist. Love Turns the Tide is my first romance, but I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. My first story appeared in a grammar school newspaper. Much later I worked as an editor and a copywriter. After I married I helped my husband with his business, but continued to write. Some of my articles are in anthologies, but two ended up in museums. I like to swim, spend time with friends and family and bargain shop with my daughter.

What do you write?

Currently, I’m writing Christian books. The articles I’ve published range from stories about the homeless to a college president to a company CEO.

Cool! What are you working on right now?

I have two projects dear to my heart, another contemporary romance and a teen novel.

How did you and I meet?

On Clash of the Titles when I entered an excerpt from Love Turns the Tide.

Any interesting stories or anecdotes about the two of us?

I learned about French manicures from Michelle. I’m probably the only person in the world who didn’t know what one was. I read the words “French manicure” in something Michelle was writing. My mind went blank, so I asked about it. Just in case there’s anyone else like me who doesn’t know, Michelle told me it’s when the nails are painted pale pink, except they’re white on the ends. Well, the very next day after Michelle enlightened me I was out to lunch with my husband. Lo and behold, the waitress put her hand on her pad to write, and…you guessed it…a French manicure. Later I went to lunch with a friend, and she had a French manicure. I keep seeing them. I wonder how I missed them all these years.

LOL. I thought that was so cute! I'm happy to have turned you on to them. I think you should get one. =) Okay, tell me the most exciting thing that has happened this year, relating to your writing?

So far 2011, has been quiet, but in November of 2010, an excerpt from Love Turns the Tide won the Clash of the Titles Challenge in the best nature / weather scene category. That was pretty exciting.

Yes it was! Gail, how has social media affected your writing relationships and/or marketing strategy?

Since I have out an e-book, I need to be on the internet. When my book came out, my computer skills extended mainly to turning the machine on and off. I’ve been blessed to meet wonderful people on the web. Many have hosted me and offered advice on how to navigate the complicated internet world. At least it seems complicated to me. I treasure my online writing buddies. We include each other in newsletters, interview each other on blogs, promote each other with contests and often pray for each other in times of need. Many of us exchange personal emails. When one sits down at a computer screen, it looks so cold. The room where I work is quiet except for the sloshing of the washing machine behind me, so it can feel lonely. But once I’m connected, it’s a warm place where I visit with like-minded people who’ve become some of my best friends.

I so agree with you there, Gail! I often say "my friends live in my computer". lol.  What advice would you give to other aspiring authors?

Be persistent and don’t let rejections disappoint you. What one editor discards another may want, so keep trying. And remember no one can tell your story except you.

Thanks Gail, I appreciate that encouragement! Please provide any personal links so everyone can connect with you.
Love Turns the Tide is available from www.awe-struck.net
I have a web site at http://www.gailpallotta.blogspot.com
My blog is http://www.gailpallotta.blogspot.com
I’m on Facebook and twitter. I also have a Facebook page called Authors and More.
It’s http://www.facebook.com/pages/Authors-and-More/347378587058

Thank you for being my special guest today. I pray for blessings on your writing!
Readers, do you have a question or comment for Gail?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Whatevah Wednesday: I've been tagged!

A short while ago, my new friend Marji Laine "tagged" me on her blog. Always one to jump in to the online fun, today I am answering 5 questions and tagging 5 other bloggers. Here we go!

  • Do you think you're hot?

Since our A/C seems to escape through our old insulation the moment it blasts forth from the vents, yes. Yes I would.

  • Upload a picture of the wallpaper you are using.

  • When was the last time you ate chicken?

Last night. Creamy chicken noodle Chicken Helper.

  • What song or songs have you listened to recently?

That would have to be the theme song to Cars, as my 2 year-old wants it on constantly, as well as "You Remind Me Of The Babe" playing in my head (from Labrynth.) Don't ask why, I have no clue! Neither boost my writing, lol.

  • Do you have any nicknames? If so what are they?

My husband and mom call me Shell. Sometimes it gets picked up by people who see it on Facebook or hear them use it, but it never feels right when anyone else calls me that. When I was a wee lass, my daddy called me Tweak and Baby Poo. Yeah, a little odd, right? lol. But a sacred memory.

Incidentally, a pastor at my church on Sunday made an excellent comment regarding labeling and name-calling: It's not what people call you, it's what you answer to. Love that!

  • Tag 5 bloggers:
Alright, I've got my tagging gun sights set on...

A Writer's Journey- April Gardner
Another Year in Reviews- Jacki Newberry
Jennifer's Pen- Jen Aulthouse
Tea Cup Living- Carolyn K Knefely
Tammy's Book Parlor- Tammy G.

Check out the above bloggers and say "hello". =) Thanks for joining me today.

Now it's your turn: What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?

COTT Victory for Joanne Sher

The winner of this week's COTT battle is....

Joanne Sher!

Joanne joins the notable COTT Conquerors family as a pre-published author. Her writing passion is Biblical and historical fiction—paving rough roads with God’s presence. Joanne says her dream is to be able to submit to Clash of The Titles as a published author. We are confident that day will come.

Her winning excerpt came from her manuscript entitled Handmaiden to a Princess:

“Don't you have to leave now?” Mama took a sip of water and looked out at the sun. Rivka's eyes followed her mother's. The colors of the sunrise were already beginning to fade into the blue of the Israeli sky.

Rivka nodded. “Good bye, Mama. Off to the gardens.” She half-jogged toward the next part of her morning ritual.

Rivka’s sandals flip-flopped on the dirt, her steps brisk and light. The scents of the lilies of the valley and hyacinths slowed her pace the closer she got. The grass before her, still touched with the last of the morning’s dew, slapped against the sides of her sandals. She stopped, closed her eyes, and took in a long, slow breath.

Aroma fit for royalty.

read the full excerpt, and that of her most worthy competitor, Mary Hall, here. 

Some reader comments:
I felt that excerpt 'A' was really good in that the little girl was so a part of the description.
I want to go walk in the garden!
I felt the soil in my hands, and smelled the fragrance of flowers in the air. Lovely!
I could see and smell the flowers

About her win, Joanne said:

WOW - I'm SO excited! What an honor. And what a FUN clash it's been.

Like the other members of the COTT family of authors, Joanne and Mary both praised each other's work and exuded a Christ-like spirit throughout the competition.
Get to know Joanne through her interview with her COTT hostess, Gail Pallotta here.

Congratulations, Joanne! We can't wait to see you in print!

Join us at COTT for our next Clash. Vote for your favorite and be entered to win a free book. Have a book or theme suggestion? Send it in! Have you written the next blockbuster hit? Send us your 500 best words. We want to hear from you. 

bio: Michelle Massaro is Assistant Editor for the literary website Clash of the Titles. She has written for The Write Conversation, Pentalk, COF Ministries, and Romantic Times. She and her husband of 16 years live in sunny So Cal with their four children. Above all, she is a follower of Christ Jesus, unashamed to stand upon the Word of God from beginning to end. Connect with her on her blog, twitter @MLMassaro, and Facebook.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Bamboozle Me Monday

First of all, Happy 4th of July!! I'm hoping to get a patriotic post up today or later this week.

I'm drinking my vanilla-hazelnut Donut Shop coffee and musing over . . . life. It's the 4th of July, Trevor is watching Cars for the billionth time, the girls have not yet emerged from their cave. We're going to make strawberry pie today, and spend time remembering how God established our nation. But right now my thoughts are on "life inventory."

See, I constantly feel off-balance. I feel a pull to do better in areas where I fall short, but they are often in conflict. I can't spend more than 24 hours in a day so I'm not sure how to reconcile these internal pressures.

I need to spend more time with my kids. I need to get my proposal sent in. I need to do more to establish my online presence, and get going on my next writing project. I need to read more books (especially in my genre), and I really need to step up our homeschooling. I need to get more exercise, and I need to get more rest and I need to get out of the house more. I need to spend more time with my husband, but I need to, need to, need to...


Too often you will see smoke curling away from my frazzled nerves. It's madness that needs to stop. But how? God has even sent me a broken wrist to slow me down, but still the question remains. I feel called to write this book. I do. So what gives?  So far, even though I have taken a few weeks off from singing worship at church, I'm still overloaded and find that most often it's my top priority (family) that gets sacrificed. Ugh, I'm an awful mom sometimes! [Reading back over this post, I feel God whispering for me to rest. Why is that so hard to do?]

Here are my priorities, in no particular order after #1:
  • Family (First of course, after God.)
  • Beauty For Ashes
  • COTT
  • New writing project
  • Critiques (Including helping my pastor with his book)
  • Social Media
  • Homeschool
  • Exercise
  • House projects (you kow, like the bedroom closet that's becoming a black hole for anything unlucky enough to enter. I'm pretty sure there's a kid or two in there, if I ever get to cleaning it out. Or maybe a portal to another dimension--where one of every pair of shoes my toddler owns is sitting in a heap.)

Writing it out doesn't look like so much. I'm tempted to put check boxes next to each thing but it doesn't seem to work that way. I have made one decision. This blog is going to expand. I'm giving myself freedom to blog about other things besides writing. This actually saves me energy. If I'm researching homeschool stuff, I can blog about it and not have to come up with a new writing article on top of researching. And hopefully I'll connect with more people that way too, thus helping my social media/online presence. Should I say aloud that I am building an online presence? I dunno, but I just did. We all know it, right?  Maybe one day you'll even start seeing posts about exercise on here- ha! That'll be hilARious!

I'll come up with a schedule soon. I'll still blog tons about writing, and all the COTT stuff will still be here too- no worries! I'll also keep doing Story Improvs since those are just so much fun. Things won't be completely foreign.

I'd love to hear what similar struggles or advice you all have. I honestly don't know how so many of you do so much. I know a lot of rockstars! So give me a backstage pass already. =)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Fiction Friday: Where do you read?

Happy Friday! I've been getting more reading time in this week and it makes me curious about everyone else's reading habits. What's on your nightstand/Kindle right now? Do you find you have more time to read now that the season has changed?

Today, I took the girls to the pool. Sadly, I couldn't go in because of my cast. But happily, I had a book to read! I am 87% through with Thicker Than Blood. (It's calling my name right now, actually. I left poor Christy in a tough spot.) Anyway, after a short stint on the lounge chair, I sat in the shade for the most part, but my feet and legs stuck out in the sun a bit too much. I'm a little red, but not too bad. I love it. Getting out in the sun is both draining and energizing. It's one of my favorite places to read this time of year . My patio, the pool, it doesn't matter. I just love the warm vitamin D soaking into my shoulders. (And that's kinda funny because I am NOT an outdoor person most of the time.)

Where do you like to read in the summer time? And what is your current book?