Welcome to the Poetry Cafe! This is the place to come and share Inspirational Poetry of your own, or simply have fun perusing the entries you'll find here. From time to time I think I'll even have contests- so check back often!
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Here's a poem I wrote today. It's been awhile since my last one so I'm a bit rusty. I think it came out pretty well though. Hope you like it...
God enthroned in Heaven above
Looks down upon mankind in love
With grief He sees what lies ahead
For man whose sin just seems to spread
We looked at night and called it day
Took black and white and made them gray
Creation’s splendor an accident?
I cringe at what we must repent
Christ’s alarm a trumpet blast
Wake up, oh church- He’s coming fast!
Here's an oldie I just put up on the main blog but thought I'd add here as well.
The Lamb of God
Slaughtered by men
The Lamb of God
Killed for our sins
And the blood that flowed,
The blood that poured,
Was freely given for us-
The ones He adored.
The blood that dripped
From the tear-stained face
Of the Son of God
Who died in our place.
God veiled in flesh,
The Living One died,
I AM became nothing,
The love was despised.
And the blood of the Lamb
Who was sent from above
Was taken in hate…
But given in love.
The blood that was shed,
The blood that fell,
All this so that I
Might be saved from hell.
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