
Follow my journey toward publication. Laugh, cry, point and stare-- it's all good. I'll leave a trail so that you, my fellow author, may have a straighter path to finding your own elusive publishing contract. Adventure awaits. Let's travel together...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Almost time...

Hello friends! 

Well, I am down to the last week-and-a-half before I want to have my manuscript in the mail and on the way to Colorado where it will hopefully shine forth with enough sparkle to become a semi-finalist in the Operation First Novel contest. 

My to-do list had recently included removing the song lyrics I didn't get permissions for, when lo and behold, an email appears with information on that very thing!  Licensing for one of the songs would be $40.  I haven't decided if I'm going to do it yet.  I had just accepted the fact that I'd have to remove the references, so this is sort of jostling me.  But it's good to get the info on how this process works, nonetheless!

I have a few sets of eyes still looking over the novel, hopefully finishing in time for me to make any necessary adjustments to the manuscript.  Other than that, this is what my current to-do list consists of:

1) Ask my neighbor (a firefighter) what that seat on the back of the ambulance is called.
2) Resolve lingering questions on a couple instances of numerals vs. written numbers.
3) Get my 1K-word synopsis down to 750 words, per guidelines.
4) Create cover sheet for contest.
5) Decide on purchasing license for song lyrics.
6) Create/Obtain a self-addressed, stamped postcard for confirmation of receipt.
7) Obtain the proper packaging for mailing the cover sheet and disk safely.
8) Finally, format and save each chapter as its own file and burn everything to disc- and mail!

As you can see, I've already begun crossing things off my list--yay!  I just can hardly believe that the deadline is so close.  I'm so revved up about this.  I'm trying to chill out, knowing that it might be a very short ride if I don't make the semi-finals, but sometimes I can't help it.

Meanwhile, I have another project underway that I am very excited about and will share with you soon!  And you can look forward to another guest post next week, this time from April Gardner!

Please feel free to leave me a word of encouragement- I thrive on your support!  Thank you and God bless you guys!


Phoenix Sullivan said...

Contests ARE exciting! Best of luck, Michelle!! Let us know how it goes.

Michelle Massaro said...

Thank you, I will! =)