
Follow my journey toward publication. Laugh, cry, point and stare-- it's all good. I'll leave a trail so that you, my fellow author, may have a straighter path to finding your own elusive publishing contract. Adventure awaits. Let's travel together...

Monday, September 13, 2010


I've been quiet about this long enough!  A while back, I was honored to be asked by April Gardner to be a part of a new venture she was undertaking.  She was in the process of gathering a handful of women (Christian authors) who would share her vision for a blogsite called Clash of the Titles.

Catchy name!  ...what is it? 

Well, the idea is to pit one author against another-- in the form of brief novel excerpts-- and let readers decide who has done the better job conveying a particular theme.  Voters will be entered into a drawing and two winners will be chosen to receive a copy of one of the two books.  Each week, two new books/themes will be showcased, two new winners will get free books, and two new authors will get to go head-to-head for fun, bragging rights, and publicity.


So, I've gotten to know these wonderful new friends and have had the privelege of being part of bringing COTT into the web-world.  We are now "live" and you can visit our super-cool website, follow us on twitter, and 'like' us on facebook.  Readers, be sure to participate when we have our first Clash next month. Writers, be sure to scan the schedule page for your genre/theme as well as the submissions page for information on taking the COTT challenge.

And now....I have a special treat for you: please stop by tomorrow to read a guest post by April Gardner, in which she answers my question of how she finds/makes time to write novels while being a full-time homeschooling mother. I think you will be inspired and encouraged by her response!


Phoenix Sullivan said...

This is a really cool concept.

Wishing you and your COTT friends (Cotters?) lots of good promo and tons of hits when it launches!

Michelle Massaro said...

Thanks, Phoenix! It's pretty exciting! :o)